
Friday 28 August 2015

Sorry,and Thanks!

Hello World,I'm going to start of this post with a massive apology. I'm so sorry to anyone who may be reading this,I'm so sorry to anyone who wants to get in touch with me,I'm so sorry to anyone who enjoys this blog which I don't think anyone really is.You guys seriously don't know how many times I have hovered this mouse over the ''delete'' button,you guys really don't know how many times I  have expected to see hate on this site or how many times I have doubted myself in my abilities.

Right now I am hating school,there has been a punch thrown and many friendships in jeopardy and even though I have next to nothing to do with them I somehow feel like its all my fault.Do you guys ever feel like this?

Anyway,I would like to thank every single one of you,and that is actually quite hard but I'll give it a shot.Thank you all for reading this blog,even if you don't particularly like it,thank you for giving me hope and thank you for believing in me.

So, all in all,thank you,and i'm so sorry.
